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Urban Environments as Data

Projects focused on urban environments that challenge the idea that ‘nature’ can only be found outside of cities/urban areas

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

DEH projects that incorporate or center Indigenous ways of knowing, describing, and experiencing nature

Arts-Based Research

Artistic approaches to explore relationships between humans and nature where the digital has role

Environmental Narratives & Storytelling

DEH projects that incorporate narratives/storytelling approaches such as articles, first-person perspectives, & blog posts

GLAMs (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, & Museums)

Cultural heritage collections and/or focus on how cultural heritage institutions are using their collections to expand our understanding of the natural world in digital spaces

Mapping Environmental Humanities

Projects that use maps to help expand our understanding of environmental stories.

Reimagining Landscapes

DEH projects that help people to visualize what areas were like pre-colonization, pre-industrialization, and makes the natural world of the past ‘alive’ again and back into the foreground